Bosaso Spring Water Sources Development — Phase I

The project Bosaso Spring Water Sources Development – Phase I has the objective to improve access to drinkable, affordable and adequate water service delivery in Bosaso.
The project aims to stenghthen the technical capacity of PWDA and the managerial capacity of GUMCO, the local PPP water supply company, to increase the water production and its quality through the study, development and the connection of the Duud Shabel springs located 28 km South East of Basosa.
The project is funded by EU, AICS.

Project Duration: 2018-2022

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Projects Map

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Funded by




Terre Solidali has the availability in Somalia of the following main equipment, instruments, machineries which can be used to carry out water studies:

Geophysical survey
Hydro-geological survey
Topographical survey
Geotechnical and Boreholes

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